Europe ScholarshipsGermany ScholarshipsMastersPhDScholarships

Right Livelihood College Workshop Scholarships for Developing Countries, Germany for 2023

Application is now open for the Workshop Scholarships at Right Livelihood College. Interested applicants are encouraged to send their applications in before the deadline date.

About Right Livelihood College and Scholarship

The International Association of Universities (IAU), which is affiliated with UNESCO, has granted the RLC associate membership status. The IAU acknowledges the crucial role that pursuing the production, distribution, and application of knowledge in higher education plays in the broader process of attaining sustainable development. The Right Livelihood College is set up as a network of campuses and centers to train the upcoming wave of global change-makers.

From September 25 (arrival date) through September 28 (exit date), 2023, the workshop will be held in Bonn. Along with Nnimmo Bassey, Laureate of the “Alternative Nobel Prize” and Director of the Health of Mother Earth Foundation from Nigeria, Ph.D. candidates and senior professionals will participate. English will be used during the workshop. 


Globally, the concepts of sustainable agriculture and local subsistence have permeated both research and practice. Sustainable agriculture offers tremendous potential for positive rural transformation and pro-poor growth in many countries of the so-called Global South, in addition to increasing the food supply for expanding populations and ecosystem protection. However, the dominant paradigm of economic growth, which is frequently combined with agricultural industrialization, has significant negative effects on the viability of rural systems and the livelihoods of farmers. Systems are evolving much and quickly.

The role of agriculture and local livelihoods now and in the future in terms of economic development, ecological preservation, and food production, as well as broader problems about the future of rural communities in the so-called Global South, must thus be addressed.

Against this backdrop, the workshop will offer outstanding case studies from rural Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as well as conceptual frameworks and contemporary debates. By using each participant’s knowledge and experiences, Ph.D. students will have the chance to present and discuss their research in a unified transdisciplinary manner.

The following goals are the focus of the workshop:

  • Increasing conceptual understanding and methodological techniques need
  • To evaluate critically various agricultural, local livelihood, and rural development routes,
  • Presenting original case studies from Latin America, Asia, and Africa will help Ph.D. students, an “Alternative Nobel Prize” laureate, and other international specialists network while also promoting the exchange of knowledge and experience.

Details about Workshop Scholarships for Developing Countries at Right Livelihood College:

Scholarship Sponsor: Right Livelihood College, Germany

Scholarship Value: Check Below

Number of awards: N/A

Study level: Masters, PhD

Host Institution(s): Right Livelihood College, Germany


  • The scholarships will pay for all transportation expenses within Germany, hotel accommodations in Bonn, complete meals, and supplies for the job. Numerous social and cultural side events will be incorporated into the course.

Eligibility Criteria for Workshop Scholarships for Developing Countries

Applicants are advised to meet the following conditions to be eligible for the Workshop Scholarships at Right Livelihood College:

  • Ph.D. candidates from Asia, Africa, and Latin America who specialize in fields like political science, law, development studies, sociology, geography, or ethnology and perform topic-related research
  • Those who are in the middle or final stages of their Ph.D. studies are preferred.
  • You must speak English flawlessly.
  • Women’s applications are especially encouraged.

Application Procedure for Workshop Scholarships for Developing Countries

Your application should include the following: 

  • An email stating your Ph.D. subject, the institute, and school you are attending in Germany, and the location from which you want to go to Bonn.
  • CV in the Europass Style
  • Your Ph.D. project’s English abstract, no longer than 300 words

By August 8, 2023, participants who have been chosen will be notified. Please send Dr. Till Stellmacher your application materials through email at Please follow the application procedure here.

The Submission Deadline is: July 30, 2023

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other Germany scholarships here.

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