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University of Warwick PAIS PhD Studentship, UK for 2023

Application is now open for the PAIS PhD Studentship at the University of Warwick. Interested applicants are encouraged to send in their applications before the deadline date.

About the University of Warwick and Scholarship

The University of Warwick, often abbreviated as “Warw.,” is a public research university located on the outskirts of Coventry, situated between the West Midlands and Warwickshire, England. This esteemed institution was established in 1965 as part of a government initiative aimed at expanding higher education opportunities. Over the years, Warwick has seen the creation of various specialized schools and departments, further enhancing its academic offerings. These include the Warwick Business School in 1967, the Warwick Law School in 1968, the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) in 1980, and the Warwick Medical School in 2000.

The Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Warwick is excited to announce a competition for PhD scholarships. These scholarships, funded by the department, are available to prospective candidates who intend to commence their PhD studies in PAIS in October 2024, as well as to current PAIS PhD candidates who are in the first year of their studies. Given the underrepresentation of women in this field, female applicants, in particular, are strongly encouraged to apply.


Details about PAIS PhD Studentship at the University of Warwick:

Scholarship Sponsor: Department of Politics and International Studies/University of Warwick, UK

Scholarship Value: Varies

Number of awards: N/A

Study level: PhD

Host Institution(s): University of Warwick, UK

Courses: Politics & International Studies


Different kinds of scholarships are available. While some merely cover academic tuition, others provide full academic expenses plus a maintenance grant equal to the UK Research Council’s regular stipend for up to three and a half years. Selected applicants could be invited to provide help in the PAIS department once a year, after consulting with their supervisor. This support might come in the form of paid research help, undergraduate teaching (depending on demand and specialty area), or administrative work.

Eligibility Criteria for PAIS PhD Studentship

The scholarship is available to domestic, international, and EU students and will be quite competitive. Furthermore, the chosen candidates ought to:

  • have earned a master’s degree in a pertinent field of study from an accredited university before September 30, 2024.
  • should possess a solid undergraduate degree in a pertinent field of study.
  • possess the necessary level of English proficiency (see Entry Requirements).

Applicants must be current PAIS PhD students enrolled in their first year of study.

Application Procedure for PAIS PhD Studentship

All candidates should visit the PAIS website for information on how to apply and what they want in a research proposal before applying to the institution.

Until January 19, 2024 (11:59 pm GMT), eligible applicants who have already accepted an offer, are in their first year of PhD studies at Warwick, or are anticipating the outcome of their PAIS PhD application, should submit all of the following:

  • PAIS application form. Whether or not an offer has been made, this is a prerequisite.
  • The Warwick ID number is required on the application form. If you haven’t gotten it yet, please use your application receipt number instead, or leave this field blank and email your number to as soon as you do.
  • An application form that includes a case for help. You will be disqualified if you don’t provide this documentation. The support case should be around one thousand words long and cover the following seven points:
  1. An overview of your study idea and its theoretical foundation, which will be reviewed alongside the complete research proposal you submit with your Ph.D. application
  2. How your idea connects to earlier and ongoing studies on the topic
  3. The importance of your endeavor, whether it be practical, intellectual, etc.
  4. The suggested approach and the reasons it works well for your project
  5. How your project connect to your earlier learning and research
  6. How your proposal aligns with the interests and pursuits of study of your potential supervisor
  7. How your idea fits within one or more of the PAIS department’s Research Clusters
  • Two references for scholarship. These references ought to address in detail three things: (a) the candidate’s research potential; (b) the project’s and the proposal’s strength; and (c) the planned research project’s ability to add to the body of knowledge and discourse in the selected field. If you would like, you can use the same references that you used for your Warwick application. The referee should send Kay Edsall an email with these references, as shown below.
  • Your records from school.
  • Your current CV.

The deadline for submitting all of the aforementioned documents is January 19, 2024 (11:59 pm GMT), by email to It is important to remember that applying for a scholarship cannot be completed without first applying to the Ph.D. program through the university application procedure. Before the PAIS scholarship deadline, which is December 8, 2023, you are highly encouraged to submit your primary PhD application, preferably six weeks early.

The Submission Deadline is: December 8, 2023

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other UK scholarships here.

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