Australia ScholarshipsOceania ScholarshipsScholarshipsUndergraduate

Kev Carmody Scholarship at the University of Queensland, Australia 2024

Application is now open for the Kev Carmody Scholarship at the University of Queensland. Interested applicants are encouraged to send in their applications before the deadline date.

About the University of Queensland and Scholarship

The University of Queensland (UQ) is a prestigious institution in Australia renowned for its dedication to both research and education. With a history spanning over a century, UQ’s commitment has been to generate, safeguard, share, and employ knowledge to make the world a better place.

UQ has consistently earned recognition as one of the world’s leading universities, a fact validated by numerous prominent international rankings. In 2023, UQ secured impressive positions in respected rankings like the U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings (36), the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities (37), CWTS Leiden Ranking (35), QS World University Rankings (43), Academic Ranking of World Universities (51), and Times Higher Education World University Rankings (70).


The university’s distinguished faculty includes 205 staff members, including honorary and adjunct appointments, along with emeritus professors, who are Fellows of Australia’s five prestigious learned academies: AAS, AAHMS, ASSA, ATSE, and AAH.

UQ is an active participant on the global stage as one of only three Australian members of Universitas 21. Additionally, it’s a founding member of the Group of Eight (Go8) universities and a member of Universities Australia.

UQ takes immense pride in its commitment to teaching excellence. The university has been a recipient of numerous Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT), surpassing all other institutions in the country. UQ consistently attracts the brightest academic talent from Queensland and beyond, including high-achieving students from interstate and abroad.

In 2013, UQ became a member of edX, a leading consortium of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) initiated by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2012 and later acquired by 2U in 2021. As a charter member with representation on the edX University Advisory Board, UQ actively engages in the development and presentation of MOOCs through its UQx project within the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation. These MOOCs contribute to UQ’s Student Strategy goals for on-campus teaching.

Presently, UQx offers a rich array of 65 MOOCs and 12 programs available on edX. These include 3 MicroMasters, 6 Professional Certificates, 2 XSeries, and an online master’s degree program, with additional offerings in development. Covering a diverse range of subjects and meta-skills related to employability and teamwork, UQx MOOCs have attracted more than 4.71 million participants worldwide since the launch of their inaugural course in March 2014.

The UQ Residential Scholarships Program includes this scholarship. You are eligible to apply for all of the scholarships offered by this program with only one submission. In 2022, the Kev Carmody Scholarship was founded. The Kev Carmody Scholarship helps cover the cost of residential tuition at Kev Carmody House for Indigenous students who are suffering financial difficulties.

This award is part of the UQ Residential Scholarships Scheme. You simply need to submit one application to be considered for all scholarships in this scheme. The Kev Carmody Scholarship was created in 2022. The Kev Carmody Scholarship assists Indigenous students enduring financial difficulties with the expense of living at the Kev Carmody House.

Details about the Kev Carmody Scholarship at the University of Queensland:

Scholarship Sponsor: University of Queensland, Australia

Scholarship Value: Cost of residency in a standard room at Kev Carmody House

Number of awards: 1

Study level: Undergraduate

Host Institution(s): University of Queensland, Australia

Enrolment Status: Future UQ student

Eligibility Criteria for the Kev Carmody Scholarship

Applicants are advised to meet the following conditions to be qualified for the Kev Carmody Scholarship at the University of Queensland:

It’s essential to note that this scholarship is specifically awarded to students who are of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, and the selection is based on a combination of financial hardship and academic ability.

Application Process for Kev Carmody Scholarship

Interested and qualified candidates for the Kev Carmody Scholarship should fill out the application form and include the following documents:

  • your reference number for QTAC
  • proof of financial difficulties, such as income from family members, ATO statements, and Centrelink statements.
  • documentation attesting to the individual’s identification as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status and personal traits, such as leadership potential

Use these tips for putting together a great application to help you through this process.

What Next?

You will receive an email from the admission office informing you that your application has been received. Please email them at if, after completing your application, you do not get a confirmation email within two working days.


UQ Residential Scholarships Rules (PDF, 568.37 KB)

The Application Deadline is: 29 January 2024

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other Australia scholarships here.

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