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International Centre For Theoretical Physics ICTP Postdoc Fellowship, Italy 2023

Application is now open for the International Centre For Theoretical Physics ICTP Postdoc Fellowship. Interested candidates are encouraged to send their applications in before the deadline date.

About International Centre For Theoretical Physics and Fellowship

The Italian Government, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have a tripartite agreement that governs the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), an international research institute for the physical and mathematical sciences. It’s around ten kilometers from the Italian city of Trieste, next to Miramare Park. Abdus Salam, the 1964 Nobel Laureate from Pakistan, created the center.

Part of the Trieste System, which is led by the Italian physicist Paolo Budinich, is ICTP, a network of national and international scientific institutes in Trieste.


Postdoctoral fellows, staff research scientists, and both long- and short-term guests working on independent or cooperative research projects make up the scientific community of ICTP. The sections host colloquiums, conferences, workshops, and seminars in their respective subjects throughout the year. Additionally, ICTP offers visiting programs under federation and associateship schemes that are specially designed for scientific visitors from poor nations.

The High Energy, Cosmology, and Astroparticle Physics (HECAP) branch of ICTP will be hiring postdocs, with a projected start date of October 2024. The appointments are for two-plus years. The Institute for the Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU), a partnership between ICTP, the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), the Trieste Observatory, and INFN, will involve postdocs working on astroparticle physics and cosmology.

Currently, HECAP members are working on the following topics: cosmology, which includes large-scale structures, physics of the early universe, present acceleration, axions, and dark matter, physics beyond the Standard Model, physics of the Higgs and Collider physics, physics of neutrinos, and astrophysics; string theory, which includes Black Holes, gauge/string theory duality, phenomenological string theory/M-theory; and localization.

Eight employees, five emeritus scientists, thirteen postdoctoral researchers, many affiliated faculty members from other universities, and up to 200 short- and long-term visitors annually make up the section at the moment. Additional details are available at

Additionally, the scientists of the ICTP work closely with SISSA, the University of Udine, the Trieste Observatory, the Trieste University Department of Theoretical Physics, and the Trieste division of the INFN. Additionally, HECAP is actively participating in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC at CERN.

This year, a post named X-HEP will become available under Joan Elias Miro’s ERC Starting Grant. You may get more information about the project at

Details about the International Centre For Theoretical Physics ICTP Postdoc Fellowship:

Scholarship Sponsor: International Centre For Theoretical Physics, Italy

Scholarship Value: Check Below

Number of awards: Several

Study level: Postgraduate

Host Institution(s): International Centre For Theoretical Physics, Italy


The Institute for the Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU), a partnership between ICTP, the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), the Trieste Observatory, and INFN, will involve postdocs working on astroparticle physics and cosmology.

Eligibility Criteria for International Centre For Theoretical Physics ICTP Postdoc Fellowship

String theory, which includes Black Holes, Gauge/string theory duality, Phenomenological String theory/M-theory; Particle Phenomenology, which includes Physics beyond the Standard Model, Dark Matter, Axions, Higgs and Collider physics, Neutrino physics and astrophysics; Cosmology, which includes Large Scale Structures, Physics of the Early Universe, Present Acceleration; Topological field theories and Localization are the current areas of interest for HECAP members.

Required Documents

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research Statement
  • Publication list
  • Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site )

Application Process for International Centre For Theoretical Physics ICTP Postdoc Fellowship

Interested and qualified candidates for the fellowship should register hereFurther Information:

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Strada Costiera 11,

34151 Trieste,


The Submission Deadline is: November 30, 2023

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other Italy scholarships here.

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