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Flinders University College of Science and Engineering Summer Research Award in Australia for 2023

Application is now open for the College of Science and Engineering Summer Research Award at Flinders University. Interested candidates are encouraged to send in their applications before the deadline date.

About Flinders University and Scholarship

Apart from its main campus in Adelaide, South Australia, public research institution Flinders University has 11 locations spread out throughout that state and the Northern Territory. It was established in 1966 and was given the name Matthew Flinders in honor of the British sailor who, in the early 19th century, explored and mapped the coastlines of Australia and South Australia.

The main campus of Flinders University is found in Bedford Park, in the southern part of Adelaide, and is encompassed by 156 acres of native bushland and gardens. Other campuses include those at Tonsley, the Adelaide CBD, Renmark, Alice Springs, and Darwin. The Innovative Research Universities (IRU) Group includes it as a member. According to the 2021 Graduate Outcome Survey – Longitudinal, published by the Australian Government’s Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching, Flinders University rated first in the country for postgraduate employment outcomes. The 2022 Times Higher Education rankings place Flinders University at 266 among the top 300 universities worldwide.


The College of Science and Engineering (CSE) of Flinders University will award undergraduate students with Summer Research Awards during the summers of 2023 and 2024. The opportunity to take part in a research project under the supervision of a staff member will be provided to students who are awarded these funds, providing them an inside look at the research procedure. As part of the grant, the student will gain considerable practical experience in the planning, carrying out, and analyzing of research in their field.

Details about the College of Science and Engineering Summer Research Award at Flinders University:

Scholarship Sponsor: Flinders University, Australia

Scholarship Value: $1,500

Number of awards: N/A

Study level: Undergraduate

Host Institution(s): Flinders University, Australia


The Awards will range from $1,500 to $2,500 for a study that lasts between four and six weeks and takes place between December 2023 and February 2024. In January 2024, a single lump sum payment will be made to cover the award.

Eligibility Criteria for the College of Science and Engineering Summer Research Award

All qualifying requirements outlined in the University-wide Summer Research Awards must be met by applicants. The CSE Summer Research Awards are subject to the following limitations:

  • The candidate must typically be enrolled at an Australian university and in their second or third year of an undergraduate degree, or a similar program.
  • Intend to register at a university in Australia in 2024
  • Have completed between 54 and 90 units of an applicable undergraduate degree, or the equivalent, by December 2023.
  • Be able to commit to a placement between December 2023 and February 2024 that lasts at least 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Never received a CSE Summer Research Award or Scholarship before.

Selection Criteria

Awards will be given according to:

  • Progress in relevant degree (Flinders equivalent units) by December 2023
    • Rank 1 – 54 – 72 units
    • Rank 2 – 73 – 90 units
  • GPA of pertinent coursework completed for undergraduate studies, excluding data from the most recent semester.
  • A 300-word maximum personal statement describing the applicant’s eligibility for the prize.

Applicants Procedure for College of Science and Engineering Summer Research Award

It is strongly advised for applicants to get in touch with a potential supervisor before applying, either by phone or in person, to check their availability and desire to host the student. There is a single application limit for students. On the application, up to three projects may be nominated in the order of preference. Please refer to the booklet for information about suitable supervisors and available projects.

By the deadline provided, Flinders University students should submit their applications online using the Flinders University Student System. Non-Flinders candidates should fill out the Non-Flinders applicants application form and email it to after completing it.

The Application Deadline is: October 20, 2023

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other Australia scholarships here.

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