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Harvard University Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research (Up to $75,000), USA 2023

Application is now open for the Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research at Harvard University. Interested applicants are encouraged to send their applications in before the deadline date.

About Harvard University and the Fellowship

Private Ivy League research institution Harvard University is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard College was founded in 1636 and was given that name in honor of its first benefactor, Puritan preacher John Harvard. It is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Its reputation as one of the most prestigious institutions in the world is due to its standing in the community, wealth, and rankings.

Public health advocacy at the start of the previous century, at a period of vigorous social reform, is when the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health had its start. Faculty members were mandated from the beginning to devote themselves to both teaching and research. HSPH became an autonomous, degree-granting organization in 1946 and was no longer associated with the medical school. 


A small number of Bullard Fellowships are given out by Harvard University each year to those who are studying forested ecosystems from a range of disciplines and viewpoints. These full-time residential fellowships give people the chance to advance their academic and professional careers while also supporting Harvard’s ongoing forest research.

Enhancing research in Harvard Forest and creating long-lasting partnerships that link Harvard Forest with other areas of the university are two key objectives of the Bullard Fellowship program. Fellows may reside in the Harvard Forest or have affiliations with other academic departments at Harvard, such as the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, the Arnold Arboretum, the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability, and the Harvard University Center for the Environment. Bullard Fellowships are targeted at those having a track record of independent scholarship and professional achievement rather than post-doctoral fellows.

Fellowship Scope

Research is conducted in many different areas, including forest ecology, tree physiology, soil biogeochemistry, microbial ecology, forest resource management, biodiversity conservation, land use planning, and public policy. Periodically, fellowships are awarded in the fields of environmental humanities and the arts. Please be aware that ideas in the arts and humanities will go through a separate evaluation process supervised by Harvard University colleagues from the relevant subject and must show a clear relationship to the research at Harvard Forest.

Details about Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research at Harvard University:

Scholarship Sponsor: Harvard University, USA

Scholarship Value: Up to $75,000

Number of Awards: N/A

Study level: Fellowship, Research

Host Institution(s): Harvard University, USA


  • The stipends for the fellowships range from $30,000 to $75,000; the sum of each grant is determined by the length of the fellowship. Upon request, the reward may be given to the fellow directly or to their employer.
  • The stipend will typically be used as a supplement to other compensation for time spent conducting research, such as sabbatical pay for academic employees, federally funded training appointments for employees of the federal government, or paid educational leave for employees of the private sector. Fellowships are not meant to cover a substantial portion of the cost of original research.
  • Travel Fellowships: Each Bullard Fellow will receive a travel fellowship that covers the cost of one round-trip flight from their home base to the Fellowship site. The fellowship will reflect the lowest of the actual airfare or mileage (calculated at an IRS-determined rate) between the two. Bullards should pay the expenses of anyone accompanying them.

Eligibility Criteria for Harvard University Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research

Applicants are advised to meet the following conditions to be eligible for the Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research at Harvard University:

  • Bullard Fellowships are often given to those who have made a name for themselves in academia, government, or business.
  • Recent Ph.D. graduates are typically not suited for Bullard Fellowships because they lack the demonstrated accomplishment and vision required of academics and practitioners.
  • Preference is given to people with Ph.D. degrees who have been in academic professions for at least two years and who have written a monograph, at least two articles (in the humanities and social sciences), or five articles (in the STEM fields), in refereed journals or edited collections. Candidates from outside academics must exhibit leadership in their industry and put forth a proposal that has the potential to significantly advance the subject of forest studies as a whole.

Interview Date for Harvard University Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research

  • Fellowships may begin at any time after September 1. The typical duration of a fellowship is six to twelve months.
  • Applications and supporting materials must be submitted by October 1 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. References will be taken into account up to October 15 at Midnight EST. The chosen candidates will be notified no later than December 15 through phone or email.

Required Documents:

  • A completed online application
  • Names and phone numbers of three references who may comment on the applicant’s planned program and their abilities (both personally and professionally) to execute it. Recommenders should submit their letters of reference for the 2023–2024 program using the safe online application system by October 15, 2023 (there is a 2-week grace period beyond the deadline).
  • A research statement outlining the applicant’s professional background, outlining a proposed research project at Harvard, and assessing the project’s possible impact on the applicant’s future professional career. The maximum length for this statement is five pages, single-spaced.
  • CV (no more than 5 pages) with the following information
  1. College and university names, graduation dates, and dates of attendance
  2. jobs held in the workplace since graduating from college
  3. academic awards and recognition, if any
  4. important reports, books, papers, etc.
  5. Significant outreach and education efforts (NSF refers to them as “synergistic activities”)
  6. The URL to an artist’s online portfolio should be provided.

Application Procedure for Harvard University Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research

Log in or register for Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research. For further information: e-mail hfapps@fas.harvard.edu. You can also visit the official website for further details.

The Application Deadline is October 1, 2023. Successful candidates will be notified on or before December 15. 

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