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Athabasca University Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s Program for 2023

Application is now open for the Canada Graduate Scholarships at Athabasca University. Interested candidates are encouraged to send their applications in before the deadline date.

About Athabasca University and Scholarship

Athabasca University, established in 1970, was created by the Alberta government as part of a broader effort to expand higher education due to the increasing enrollment in the late 1960s. During this period, the University of Alberta (U of A) was already well-established, the University of Calgary was established through new legislation, and the University of Lethbridge was created via an Order in Council.

In 1967, the government, led by Premier Ernest Manning, announced its intention to establish a fourth public university in Alberta. However, this plan faced a three-year delay as various proposals were considered. The University of Alberta was in favor of expansion rather than the establishment of a competing university in Edmonton. There was even a suggestion to create a Christian university instead of a secular one. Another idea was to establish an “Alberta academy” that would assess and potentially grant degrees based on credits earned by students at multiple universities. Ultimately, a Department of Education ad hoc group recommended the establishment of a fourth public university.


Preston Manning and a group of University of Alberta graduates played a significant role in shaping the development of an independent fourth university. In 1970, Grant MacEwan, who was serving as the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta at the time, officially established Athabasca University through an Order in Council.

The Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s program (CGS M) is a financial support program designed to assist high-achieving scholars engaged in eligible master’s or, in some cases, doctoral programs in Canada. This support allows scholars to dedicate their full attention to their studies in their chosen fields. The CGS M program annually supports up to 3,000 students across all disciplines and is jointly administered by Canada’s three granting agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Details about Canada Graduate Scholarships at Athabasca University:

Scholarship Sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Scholarship Value: $17,500 for 12 months, non-renewable

Number of awards: Several

Study level: Masters

Host Institution(s): Athabasca University, Canada

Eligibility Criteria for Canada Graduate Scholarships

Applicants are advised to meet the following requirements to be qualified for Canada Graduate Scholarships at Athabasca University:

  • As of the application deadline, you must be a citizen of Canada, a permanent resident of Canada, or a protected person under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), subsection 95(2).
  • Be enrolled in, have applied for, or intend to apply for full-time admission* to a master’s or doctorate program in graduate studies at a Canadian university with a CGS M allocation that is eligible.
  • Have finished as of December 31 of the application year
  1. 0 to 12 months of full-time study (or the equivalent) in the program for which assistance is being requested,**
  2. Alternatively, four to twelve months of full-time study (or full-time equivalent) in a master’s program that qualifies and for which the degree requirements will be fulfilled before the award’s activation, enabling it to be activated during the first twelve months of the doctoral program you’re requesting funding for.

Interview Date for Canada Graduate Scholarships

The CGS M does not have an internal deadline.

  • The Canadian Common CV and full application must be submitted through the Research Portal by December 1, 2023, at the latest, by 6 p.m. (Mountain).
  • From the middle of February 2024 until the end of March 2024, the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) Awards Review Committee will evaluate and decide on applications that qualify.
  • Results are announced to applicants on April 1, 2024, using the online Research Portal.

Application Process for Canada Graduate Scholarships

You must use the Research Portal to fill out an application for up to three universities to be considered for admission to the CGS M program. Check out the Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s program: Instructions for completing an application: For further information on how to apply. You can also visit the official website for further details.

The Application Deadline is: December 1, 2023

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other Canada scholarships here.

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