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The University of New England Australia’s Women Cartoonists Scholarship 2024

Application is now open for the University of New England Australia’s Women Cartoonists Scholarship. Interested applicants are encouraged to send in their applications before the deadline date.

About the University of New England Australia and Scholarship

The University of New England (UNE), a distinguished public university in Australia, with its main campus nestled in the city of Armidale in northern central New South Wales, invites Expressions of Interest for an engaging PhD project. This project is a pivotal component of the Australian Research Council (ARC) funded Discovery Grant titled ‘Cartoon Nation: Australian Editorial Cartooning – Past, Present, and Future.’

The prospective PhD project is thoughtfully designed to delve into the nuanced history of Australian cartooning, specifically as practiced by women. Researchers undertaking this project have the flexibility to explore any period in Australian history, offering a comprehensive examination of the contributions of women to the vibrant landscape of Australian editorial cartooning.


This endeavor gains additional significance against the backdrop of a historic moment within the Australian Cartoonists’ Association – a moment marked by the presidency being held, for the first time, by a woman, Cathy Wilcox. Notably, contemporary women cartoonists, such as Fiona Katauskas and Megan Herbert, have emerged as prominent figures in the field. The project seeks to unravel the historical role played by women in breaking into the traditionally male-dominated realm of cartooning. It aims to identify and celebrate the significant female talents that have shaped Australia’s rich tradition of cartooning. These inquiries, among others, set the stage for an unprecedented study shedding light on an often overlooked aspect of the nation’s history.

Ideal applicants for this exciting project are expected to possess a strong foundation and relevant qualifications in Australian history, media history, gender studies, and/or art history. The University of New England will provide support for the selected projects, offering candidature at the university, along with co-supervision by the project team spanning UNE, Monash, and Flinders universities. The anticipated commencement date for the project is March 3, 2025, or the nearest feasible date.

This pioneering research initiative not only contributes to the scholarly exploration of Australian cartooning but also aligns with the broader commitment to recognizing and promoting diversity and inclusivity within historical narratives. By fostering a deeper understanding of the invaluable contributions made by women in the field of cartooning, the project is poised to enrich the cultural tapestry of Australia’s vibrant history.

Details about the University of New England Australia’s Women Cartoonists Scholarship:

Scholarship Sponsor: University of New England (Australia)

Scholarship Value: $32,192

Number of awards: N/A

Study level: PhD

Host Institution(s): University of New England (Australia)


An Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship will be awarded to one successful candidate. The RTP is worth $32,192 annually (2024) and includes an offset for tuition for all domestic research master’s and doctoral students. For further details, please refer to the Conditions of Award.

The University of New England and the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences will additionally make financial and other support available to the selected candidate.

* PhD Higher Degree Research (HDR) Funds available after Confirmation of Candidature: $1000 each full-time year (total $3000).

* Faculty fieldwork support up to $7500 upon submission (one application per applicant); * Access to additional monies linked with Australian Research Council (ARC) funding regulations.

Eligibility Criteria for University of New England Australia’s Women Cartoonists Scholarship

This fascinating initiative is relevant, as it comes at a historic time when Cathy Wilcox, a woman, is holding the presidency of the Australian Cartoonists’ Association for the first time, and women are among the country’s most well-known practitioners (e.g., Fiona Katauskas, Megan Herbert). What part did earlier female generations play in breaking through the infamous “boys’ club” of cartooning? Which female artists have had the biggest influence on Australia’s cartooning history? These and other inquiries will guide the first-ever investigation that will reveal a little-known facet of the country’s past.

Application Process for University of New England Australia’s Women Cartoonists Scholarship

Questions or Expressions of Interest should be directed to the project team members:

Richard Scully, Associate Professor, UNE:

Robert Phiddian, a professor at Flinders University:

Email: Dr. Stephanie Brookes

A selection of candidates will be contacted and asked to submit a complete research plan, application for candidacy, and scholarship. Applications for scholarships and candidacies can be sent to the Graduate Research School via AskUNE.

Scholarship ID: S23-08

The Application Deadline is: 18 October 2024

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other Australia scholarships here.

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