MastersNew Zealand ScholarshipsPostgraduateScholarships

Auckland Law School Postgraduate Awards in New Zealand for 2023/2024

Auckland Law School Postgraduate Awards provide financial assistance and academic encouragement to outstanding students pursuing a Master’s degree there.

For academically exceptional individuals interested in pursuing a Master of Laws, Master of Legal Studies, or Master of Taxation Studies at Auckland Law School, the awards were established by Auckland Law School.

About School

One of the eight faculties that make up the University of Auckland is Auckland Law School. The Faculty of Law is located on the City Campus, halfway between Waterloo Quadrant and Eden Crescent. Auckland High Court can be reached quickly from there. In New Zealand and fifty-first globally in the QS World University Rankings for 2020, Auckland Law School came in first place. The largest law school in New Zealand is located at the University of Auckland. It has specialists in a range of areas, including environmental, human rights, public, and business law.


The High Court of New Zealand once occupied some of the buildings and the land that the Faculty of Law today calls home in Auckland. For moots, one courtroom has been kept in its original form. Grey and Menzies, a company that produced aerated water, had previously used the area.

A right of way leads from Waterloo Quadrant down a short hill to the law school. When the Davis Law Library was finished, it replaced Eden Crescent as the primary entrance to the Law School grounds. Initially, this was merely a mud trail known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Up until 1991, the upper three floors of the University Library building housed the law school. The Aotearoa New Zealand Centre for Indigenous Peoples and the Law, the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law, the New Zealand Centre for ICT Law, the NZ Centre for Legal and Political Theory, the New Zealand Centre for Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice, and the Research Centre for Business Law are just a few of the world-class research centers that call Auckland Law School home. Te Tai Haruru, the Mori Legal Academics Group, also calls it home.


The grants are meant to help the recipients with a significant portion of their expenses. Five qualified applicants from abroad or within New Zealand will each receive a $10,000 Auckland Law School Postgraduate Award.

Selection Procedure for Auckland Law School Postgraduate Awards

On the suggestion of a selection committee, the Dean of Law (or their designee) will award the Auckland Law School Postgraduate Awards.

Based on academic success, rewards will be provided.

Additional information

Awarded students must fulfill all conditions for admission into one of the University of Auckland’s postgraduate degree programs in law to accept the Award offers.

The awardee(s) must enroll in classes and start their studies in the semester that follows the award of the Postgraduate Law Award.

The Dean of Law may grant candidates permission for a delayed start date in extraordinary cases.

Application Documents for Scholarship 

  • Copies of your official university transcripts, which include all of your completed course grades. Before rewards are confirmed, successful applicants must submit hard copies of their transcripts.
  • A recent resume with the names and phone numbers of two academic references.
  • A cover letter.

Award Conditions

  • The prize cannot be held simultaneously with another University of Auckland Masters, Honours, or PGDip Scholarship or any other award or grant unless the rules for that other award or grant enable it and the Dean of Auckland Law School of Law (or nominee) approves.
  • The award winners are not permitted to transfer credits from other universities into the postgraduate program they are enrolled in. 

Appliccation Procedure for Auckland Law School Postgraduate Awards

To apply for the award, send an email to: 

Attention: Executive Assistant to the Dean

Official website: Click Here

Application Deadline

30 January and 30 June of every academic year

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other New Zealand scholarships here.

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