Italy Scholarships Masters PhD Postgraduate Scholarships

Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students in Italy 2022/2023

The Italian Government Scholarships are awarded for studying in Italy both to foreign citizens and Italian citizens resident abroad (IRE). The purpose of the Italian Government Scholarships is to foster international cultural cooperation, spread the Italian language, culture, and science knowledge, and promote the economic and technological sectors of Italy all around the globe.

Courses for which grants are available:

  •       Master’s Degree (Laurea Magistrale 2° ciclo)
  •       Courses of Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM)
  •       Ph.D. programs
  •       Research under academic management (Progetti in co-tutela)
  •       Italian Language and Culture Courses


The Government of Italy is in the form of a democratic republic and was established by a constitution in 1948. It consists of legislative, executive, and judicial subdivisions, as well as a Head of State, or President.

Article 1 of the Italian Constitution states: that Italy is a democratic Republic founded on labor. Power belongs to the people and is exercised by the people in the forms and within the limits of the Constitution.

However, by stating that Italy is a democratic republic, the article solemnly announces the results of the constitutional referendum which took place on 2 June 1946. 

The State is not a genetic property of the ruling monarch, but it is instead a Res Publica, belonging to everyone. The people who are called to temporarily assist the republic are not owners, but servants; and the governed are not subjects, but citizens. 

Also, the power, which is the power to make choices that concern the whole community, belongs to the people, following the concept of a democracy, from the Greek demos (people) and kratìa (power). 

Although, this power is not to be exercised arbitrarily, in the forms and within the limits set by the rule of law.


  • Generally, the Italian Government Scholarships holders are exempt from the payment of the university tuition fees, following existing regulations. However the Universities, as part of their autonomy, may not allow such immunity. Applicants are thus recommended to contact the chosen Institution to be informed of eventual taxes or tuition fees.
  • For the only period of the Italian Government Scholarships granted by the Italian Government, the scholarship-holders are covered by an insurance policy against illness and/or accident. Air tickets are not granted, but for Chilean citizens.

Requirements for Italian Government Scholarships

  • Academic qualifications: Applications must only be submitted by foreign students not living in Italy and by Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)* holding the proper academic qualification needed to enroll in the Italian University/Institute.
  • Age requirements: 
    • Candidates for Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programmes/ Italian Language and Culture Courses should not be over 28 years old by the deadline of this call, with the only exception of renewals.
    • Scholars for Ph.D. Programs should not be over 30 years old by the deadline of this scholarship, with the only exception of renewals.
    • In addition, applicants for Research Projects under academic supervision should not be over 40 years old by the deadline of this call.
  • Language proficiency 
    • Each candidate must provide a certificate of proficiency in the Italian language. The minimum level needed is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): (
    • Evidence of proficiency in Italian is not needed for courses fully taught in English.
    • In this case, candidates must provide a language certificate of their proficiency in the English Language. The minimum level needed is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
    • For Italian language and culture courses, each applicant must provide a certificate of proficiency in the Italian language. The minimum level needed is A2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR):

How to Apply for Italian Government Scholarships holders 

If you are interested in Italian Government Scholarships holders and eligible, follow the below steps:

  • Click here to access the registration form
  • Before applying, please read carefully the Call for Procedure

For further details, visit the website. 

Application Deadline: June 9, 2022

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other Italy scholarships here